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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive, searchable database of stories, thoughts, poetry and other literature from and about Africa.

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111 to 120 of 248

Kenya: The Struggle for Democracy (Non-Fiction)by Godwin R. Murunga, Shadrack W. Nasong'o Zed Books (April 3, 2007) GB?19.99(paperback)/?69.99(hardback) The path...
Widely considered the definitive book on the Belgian reign of terror in the Congo, this tyme capture the racorious and...
(2007)Set in Mogadiscio, Somalia, this novel brings the author back to his literary roots. He presents the story of a...
La petite vendeuse de Soleil (The little girl who sold The sun) (1999)1999. 45 minutes. Senegal. Director: Djibril Diop Mambety...
Land of the Flying Masks: Art & Culture in Burkina Faso (Non-Fiction) By Thomas Wheelock and Christopher Roy Prestel Publishing...
Seventeen short stories portraying Djiboutians from their own point of view. Drawing on the Somali/Djiboutian oral tradition the stories weave...
Last Moon Dancing: A Memoir of Love And Real Life in Africa (Biography)by Monique Maria SchmidtClover Park Press (2005)USD$24.95?This is...
Liberia is a small nation situated on the rich and beautiful coast of West Africa, ? Cote d?Ivoire on the...
A compelling argument for how an oil driven economy can drive a nation forward and insulate it from the tumults...