myAfrica BETA

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Joe Norris

United States

Employee of a K-12 public school system in Ohio, USA. My class collects flags!

More by user: Joe
Created: 11th Feb 2012
Modified: 11th Feb 2012
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Joe Norris
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: United States

I am an employee of a public school system here in Ohio, USA. I seek new avenues of information to show and teach children new ways to view other countries rather than depend on mainstream media which often does not cast other countries in a positive light. This site has provided an excellent way for students to understand new viewpoints with the Blog section detailing the views and opinions of a more international and African view. I try to use any means necessary to increase the interest in the name of expanding minds and learning. Currently I am using a flag counter to track the number of flags we collect tied to rewards. Each new flag we acquire is a learning moment, not only to match a flag to a country, but also to learn where it is in the world and to further research about that country. I want my students to know about every place in this world and be better global residents. Please take the time to visit our flag counter as we have very few visits from Africa and I wish to change this and have our students learn more about this beautiful and ancient land. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you have a wonderful day!



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