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Ayub Ogada


A traditional musician who has performed for both film soundtracks and the Live 8 concert in 2005.

More by user: apark
Created: 24th Jul 2008
Modified: 24th Jul 2008
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Biographical Information
Ayub Ogada
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Kenya
Ayub Ogada has been performing since the late 1970s and may be best known for his mastery of the traditional east African stringed instrument, the nyatiti. His music can be heard on the soundtrack of the 2005 film The Constant Gardener, as well as on his collaborations with Susheela Raman on several tracks on her "Salt Rain" album. Ogada also performed at the July 2005 Live 8 concert as an opening act.

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