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Norbert Lala Ratsirahonana


Norbert Lala Ratsirahonana (born November 18, 1938) is a Malagasy politician.

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Created: 8th Jul 2008
Modified: 8th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Premier Ministre
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Description of Work:
Norbert Lala Ratsirahonana founded and led the Asa Vita no Ifampitsarana (Judged By Your Work) Party, which opposed President Didier Ratsiraka. He and his party were part of the coalition which elected Albert Zafy to the presidency in 1993. Ratsirahonana then became President of the High Constitutional Court.

On May 28, 1996, when the prime minister was deposed by Parliament in a no confidence vote, Zafy appointed Ratsirahonana to the post. Soon afterward, Zafy was impeached and, on September 5, 1996, Ratsirahonana became acting President of Madagascar. A presidential election was held on November 3, 1996, in which Ratsirahonana ran, taking fourth place (behind Ratsiraka, Zafy and Herizo Razafimahaleo) and 10.14% of the vote. Ratsirahonana backed Zafy in the second round, which was held on December 29, but Ratsiraka narrowly prevailed; Ratsirahonana left office as President when Ratsiraka was sworn in, on February 9, 1997. Twelve days later, he also lost his position as prime minister when Ratsiraka appointed one of his own allies. The AVI then became the main opposition party, though it became very weak, winning only 13 of the 150 seats in the 1998 parliamentary elections.

Ratsirahonana became Chairman of the National Executive Committee of the Panorama Group opposition coalition in September 1997.

In 2001, Ratsirahonana withdrew from the presidential election of that year and endorsed the candidacy of Marc Ravalomanana.

He was appointed as the president's "roaming ambassador" under the Ravalomanana regime. In 2006 Ratsirahonana resigned from his office; in August of that year he announced his candidacy for the December 3 presidential election. According to official results, he received 4.22% of the vote and took fifth place. His best result was in Antananarivo Province, where he received 7.14% of the vote.
Biographical Information
Norbert Lala Ratsirahonana
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/18/1938
Interests: Politique, Art, Culture, Sport
Place of Origin: Madagascar
Norbert Lala Ratsirahonana was born in Antsiranana. (source wikipedia)

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Madagascar, Government
Government, Madagascar
Government, Madagascar