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Ali Mohamed Ghedi


Ghedi was the prime minister of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government under the administration of President Abdullahi Yusu.

More by user: njerisc
Created: 31st Mar 2008
Modified: 10th Sep 2012
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Biographical Information
Ali Mohamed Ghedi
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Somalia

Ali Mohamed Ghedi was born 1951 in Mogadishu, Somalia. From 2004 until 2007 Ali Mohamed Ghedi was the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. Ghedi was relatively unknown in politics before his appointment as prime minister in November 2004. Ghedi is affiliated with the Abgaal subclan of Mogadishu's Hawiye clan, which is one of Somalia's four most powerful clan families.

Ghedi's father was a Colonel in the Somali National Security Service (NSS). As a university student Ghedi was brilliant in his studies and he went to Italy to further his studies at the University of Pisa. Ghedi completed military service training in the 1970's. After completing secondary school at Jamal Abdul Masic Allah in Mogadishu in 1974, Ghedi went on to veterinary school at the University of Mogadishu and graduated in 1978. From 1979-1981 Ghedi was attending the University of Pisa on a two-year scholarship. Ghedi returned to Somalia's University of Mogadishu Veterinary School and served as an assistant lecturer in 1982.

As the head of the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia Ghedi promised to form an inclusive government and to strive to reconcile Mogadishu's warlords. In March 2006 fighting erupted between the Alliance for the Restoration of peace and Counter- Terrorism (ARPCT) warlords and the

Islamic Court Union (ICU). These two entities were fighting over the control of Mogadishu. This conflict became known as the Second Battle of Mogadishu. Prime Minister Ghedi demanded that the warlords, four of whom were also members of the Transitional Federal Government. Ghedi's demands were ignored and these four warlords who were also members of the Transitional Federal Government were dismissed from Parliament. Of those dismissed there was National Security Minister Mohamed Afrah Quanyare, Commerce Minister Musa Sudi Yalahow, Militia Rehabilitation Minister Issa Botan Alin, and Religious Affairs Minister Omar Muhamoud Finnish.

In December 2006, the Islamic Court Union and affiliated islamist militias suffered crucial defeats by the Transitional Federal Government, and Ethiopian armies. On December 29th 2006 the Ethiopian armies entered Mogadishu unopposed. Ghedi was welcomed into the city by Somalians, however, the Ethiopian armies were not well received.

On the first day of 2007 Ghedi announced that “the warlord era in Mogadishu is now over.” Ghedi declared martial law for three months, and called for the disarmament of the militias. Ghedi also instated the appointment of new judges.


Ghedi announced his resignation before parliament in Baidoa due to differneces with Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf. Ghedi remained a member of parliament. In January of 2008 Ghedi anounced that he would run for president in 2009.



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Somalia, Literature
Somalia, United States, University