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Keita: The Heritage Of The Griot (1995)
Keita: The Heritage Of The Griot (1995)

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Created: 25th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Dani Kouyaté
Keita: The Heritage of the Griot:1995. 94 minutes. Burkina Faso. Director: Dani Kouyaté. Feature Film. USD$25-195.00

In French and Jula with English subtitles. In the film the life a Westernized 10-year-old Burkinabe boy is changed by the arrival of an old griot. The film centers on the conflict between tradition and the pull of westernization. While the griot brings tradition and stories of the boy's royal origins, the boy's mother is suspicious, causing tensions in the house.

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