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Bill Rogers: Putting Liberia and Huston-Tillotson University in the light

More by user: cokergeorge1
Created: 24th Nov 2011
Modified: 24th Nov 2011
Coker George


 There are some people in life that once you get to meet them and know what they are about, one just come to the conclusion that this individual must have the heart of God, in how he or she loves humanity and cares for God's people. Well, I'm here to tell you that Bill Rogers is one of those individuals. From giving back to poor youth in the community and village he came from, Bill Rogers is constantly giving back, every chance he gets.  On a recent trip to Liberia, during his summer visit of 2011,  he met Liberian youth and hosted a 4 day soccer championship and a talent exploration campaign. When asked why he does what he do, Rogers responded;" I'm trying to inspire  and promote those skillful and talented youth." In promoting his youth and service initiative efforts, Bill Rogers was able to compete in and win Liberia's first ever 10km race, which was organized by BHP Billiton, celebrating national unity and 8 years of peace. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is shown hugging and handling rogers his metal.

   Rogers is not your average tall or physically big African. He is your average size long distance track and field distance and marathon runner, with a calm spoken tone and the heart of a champion. Born in Liberia, West Africa, it would be through the olympic talent of track and field, that would help bring Bill Rogers to America, a hope he shares with so many Liberians, leaving a nation that has suffered from many years of civil war. Running his way on the Liberia national track and field team and all his way to El Paso community College and El Camino college Torrance CA, where Coach Dean is Coach.  It would be through true friend and Liberian track and field teammate, Varney Saidu, that Bill would come to find out about Huston-Tillotson University. Coach Howard Ware of Huston-Tillotson University, who Bill loves dearly, for all what he has done for him, would then offer Rogers a track scholarship, which would propel him to attaining his education. While at the historic Huston-Tillotson University, Bill would make a name for himself, becoming a student ambassador, a track and field standout, and university photographer.

   Bill Rogers has helped pave the way and set the standard for achievement among Liberia's athletes coming to the States, and specifically attending the prestigious Huston-Tillotson University, which has attracted a wide range of international students. With a mission in heart and hand of opening up doors and opportunities for people just like himself, Bill is considered a hero among his peers and throughout the Liberian community.  With the help of Sponsor Dr. Grace Dinkins General surgeon at long beach  hospital in California, Rogers has been able to become the person he is today. Rogers speaks saying; Dr. Grace has always been there for him from Kenya to the United States until he finished his studies at Huston-Tillotson University. It's 2011 and the 2012 London olympic games are around the corner and Rogers is training very hard for the campaign, he says without God in his life none of this would be possible. He hopes to be successful and surprise his country and supporters. Congratulation Rogers on you landmark achievement and being an inspiration to so many.

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United States, Liberia
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