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Uganda : Regime Hegemony in Museveni's Uganda: Pax Musevenica (2007)
Regime Hegemony in Museveni's Uganda: Pax Musevenica (2007)

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Created: 1st Jun 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Joshua B. Rubongoya
Palgrave Macmillan

Regime Hegemony in Museveni's Uganda: Pax Musevenica (2007)

by Joshua B. Rubongoya

Palgrave Macmillan

This is a study of the struggle for the restoration of legitimate power in Uganda following the 1986 National Resistance Army/Movement (NRA/M) liberation battle led by President Yoweri Museveni. This book emphasizes the normative basis for the exercise of power in Uganda reconstruction efforts, tracing a philosophical thread through previous studies of democratization, human rights and the role of women. Political Legitimacy in Uganda addresses the empirical consequences of legitimacy on power relations and how this affects democratization and economic progress.

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