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Makes about 2 dozen, depending on size. These classic rusks are for dipping into milk or coffee snacktime.
Slice the plantains into rounds 1/4-thick, and sprinkle lemon juice over the pieces, stirring to moisten. In a separate bowl,...
Peel almodnds by pouring them gradually into gently boiling water, until you have a cup in the pot. After a...
The Ethiopian Coptic church still uses the ancient sign of the fish as a symbol for Christianity. These chickpea flour...
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, combine flour, berbere or pepper, sugar and salt. Gradually mix in about...
Grind or pound nuts, or put through a blender or food processor, adding just enough oil to smooth paste. With...
Both Maacouda and Meshwyia are typical Tuniscan hors d'oewres.
Soak peas in cool water for 10-20 minutes. Then, with your hands in the water, rub peas between your palms...
This dish is served as a dip, or spread on small chunks of baguettes. Make it during a season when...
Ramadan--the ninth month of the Moslem calendar year--is the time of fasting during daylight hours. Thick peppery Harira, full of...