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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. People listings on myAfrica are a comprehensive directory of Africans and Africa-engaged people. Use this resource to find people by any criteria.

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51 to 60 of 194

Electronic Cigarette,Smokeless Cigarette
Alston Sikeley The R&B Sensation AKA "Atech" A Music Producer R&B Hip-Hop/Song Writer.. Born on May 13,1983. Came to a...
President of the United States of America
Production Assistant for Africa Media Matters at the Institute for War and Peace Reporting.
President and CEO of The Whitaker Group
I am a Liberian-American with ideas to help rebuild Liberia. I'm forming a foundation, and visit Liberia to work on...
Salaam Aleikum! I left my home in Oakland, California to become a Peace Corps Volunteer; "promoting world peace and friendship"...
Career Foreign Service officer and former ambassador to Nigeria. Political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria during South Africa's...
I am a Afrikan in Amerikkka looking to unite with like-mined Afrikans on the Continent and around the world to...
It's all about Freedom. Democracy and Freedom are the ways out. Let's stand all together and promote Democracy in Africa.