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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive, searchable database of stories, thoughts, poetry and other literature from and about Africa.

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101 to 110 of 248

Michela Wrong's book on Eritrea examines one of Africa's youngest countries. ?
An fascinating 2000 mediation on Negritude and the returning immigrant's experience. Diawara discuses his experience under the reign of Sekou...
In Senghor's Shadow: Art, Politics, and the Avant-Garde in Senegal, 1960-1995 (2004)by Elizabeth Harney Duke University Press In Senghor?s Shadow...
A Collection of Four Stories About the Ghanaian People and their CultureAuthor Dzagbe Cudjoe writes a series of authentic tales...
The Sierra Leone Civil War through the eyes of an American journalist who walks on the periphery meeting with those...
On ?October 14, 2007, few months after? Barak Obama announced his candidacy in the US Democratic presidential race, a biographical...
Ivory Coast (2004) By William Mark Habeeb Mason Crest Publishers USD$21.95 The name of the Ivory Coast comes from its...
Johannesburg: The Elusive Metropolis ? Sarah Nuttall and Achille Mbembe With an Afterword by Arjun Appadurai and Carol A. Breckenridge...
Journey of Song: Public Life And Morality in Cameroon (2006) (Non-Fiction)by Clare A. IgnatowskiIndiana University Press USD$24.95-65.00 During the long...
Two plays exploring the pain of living and the difficulty of dying by a sensational new writer Juniper's Whitening "Tell...